Beautiful and simple lyrics. The first stanza reads roughly... "Happiness in half opening the eyes to look at you; so is it when I stroke your hair while half asleep". The next sentence will gets lost in translation and finally the obvious one for lovers "Mornings mean sadness while nights are what happiness is all about". Notice how each of the line ends in "Inbam" which turns out to be something called aahti iyaippu (high funda tamil poem thingy). I thought it would be ethukai or monai. Here is an excellent explanatory text on this stuff - A Reference Grammer of Classical Tamil Poetry by V. S. Rajam
I am not sure about what the first line of the second line refers to something along the line of getting confused about the other persons clothing caused by the intoxication of love. "Oh, it is so cold" that they both say and tightly hug each other. "The poets tend to romanticize by saying that the lovers chuckle at the little bruises in the lovers' bodies, but really they only referred to part of the story because there is a lot to be seen in the bed"...
A lovely tune... http://www.dishant.com/album/Engal-Thanga-Raja.html has this. Listen to this and a few other songs from the movie.