This is all about how bright the life becomes for someone in love, I guess... (Can't they sing about something else?)
"The sun that I drew is lighting up. The path that I just crossed is flowering. The crows that I shooed away became peacocks. The rain drops that soaked my hair became Amirtham (nectar). And, the breath that I left out became music". Very nice and different twist.
"The rods in the window turned into silver because of your touch" No clue as to what the next line is. I am pretty mad that they bring people from all over to sing in Tamil and you can hardly make out what they sing! Madhusree's pronounciation has a lot to desire. And they make fun of Tamils singing Hindi!
"Looking at the way your smile flowers, my shoulders become wings... My days dissolve like sugar when my tongue utters your name" What a beautiful pair of lines... Nothing in the next stanza is lyrically catchy, so I will leave it as is.